News and updates from the Central East Region of the UUA to keep your congregation informed.
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Opportunities for Connection CER Update ~ April 2022
Featured Resource: Chalice Lighters Program
Are you a Chalice Lighter?
The CER Chalice Lighter Grant Program uses the spark of small, regular contributions from individual UU’s to ignite the growth of our UU faith, both in numbers and in justice, compassion, and spirituality. These contributions are pooled to make $20,000 grants available to support the growth of UU congregations of all sizes, groups of congregations with innovative ideas for outreach, and even for the development of new congregations.
What do your donations support? Recent projects have included streaming equipment and other needs for multi-platform programming for UU Congregation of the Catskills, NY, UU Church of Amherst, Williamsville, NY, and the UU Fellowship of Harford County, Churchville, MD;
installing air filtration systems to allow for in person meeting at Accotink UU Congregation, Burke, VA; hiring a part-time membership coordinator and restarting the children's program to include Jubilee kids at the UU Church of East Aurora, NY; a building renovation project at the UU Congregation of Binghamton, NY; a two-story addition at the UU Church of Delaware County in Media, PA; and hiring a membership coordinator at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Northern Westchester, Mt. Kisco, NY.
Interested in becoming a Chalice Lighter? Sign up at
the CER website.
Does your congregation or cluster have a project this fund could support? Learn how to apply.
Final Chance to Register for Intergenerational Spring Seminar!
This weekend is the final chance to register for the upcoming Intergenerational Spring Seminar hosted by the UUA Office at the UN in partnership with UU Ministry for Earth, UUSC, and Side With Love. This year’s theme, “Displacement and Human Rights: All In for Climate Justice,” is becoming increasingly relevant as climate change causes so many places on Earth to become uninhabitable. Learn about
the issues and how to take action to create climate justice in your community and world. In addition to the virtual programming of the Spring Seminar April 22 - May 1, 2022, congregations have an opportunity to host in-person local gatherings for participants in nearby communities. The Seminar will include special activities for youth (14+) and young adults! Learn more and register by Sunday, April 3 at the UUA website.
Video Engagement Strategy with Peter Bowden, Sponsored by the UUA
Daily Livestream April 25 - 29, 2022 – Free, Live, 30-Minute Sessions with Q&A
The need for our congregations to effectively engage with people online has never been greater! During this free five-day YouTube Live series, Peter Bowden will share video-based strategies to support online visitors, increase engagement with worship, and amplify advocacy and witness efforts. Peter is a Unitarian Universalist trainer and coach specializing in media and digital strategy. This series shares the core strategies from his popular Video Ministry Academy training. The UUA is sponsoring this public training to make these strategies available to all congregations.
General Assembly News - Choir Registration, Workshop Previews
Each year a talented group of choral singers gathers to practice and perform for the General Assembly audience. For many, singing in the choir is a key part of coming together as UUs at GA. This year, GA will have two choirs: one in Portland, and one online. Both choirs will be under the lead by the 2022 GA choir director Allison King. Choir Registrationis now open for the Virtual and In-Person Choirs. Advance registration is required, and space is limited.
A Multi-Platform Banner Parade - The Banner Parade is a GA institution, and this year the tradition will be reimagined for a multi-platform audience. Banners will be displayed in the General Session Hall and the celebration will be live-streamed. This year, participants will be dropping off their banners before the Opening Celebration begins. Volunteers will be able to decorate the hall before the celebration, allowing attendees to enjoy the event without having to wait in line for a processional.
Please bring your congregation’s banner to General Assembly in Portland, Oregon, or submit a high-resolution photo of your congregation’s banner by Friday, April 29. Both in-person and virtual banners will be incorporated into the Opening Celebration. There will not be a processional on site so no need to bring your banner poles.
Registration for in person and virtual attendance is open, financial aid
applications are open on a first-come, first-serve basis and some volunteering positions are still open.
Spring for Change in 2022: A Season of Sacred Activism

Get ready for UU the Vote 2022! On Sunday, April 10 at 4pm ET/1pm PT join President Susan Frederick-Gray, UU leaders, and partners to learn how you can show up for our UU values and communities in the critical midterm elections. Invite your congregation and social justice teams to join us for an exciting launch of UU the Vote 2022. Register Today. Help your congregation participate in this event with this toolkit.
“Get Rooted, Get Ready!” Earth Day Worship Service - April 22 Livestream at 9am PT / 10 MT / 11 CT / 12 ET, Also Available for Congregational Use Theme & Description: “Get Rooted, Get Ready!” When you imagine pathways to embodying the inherent worth and dignity of all people, particularly climate migrants, what do you see? Who is with you on in this journey to realign our values and practices with justice? What transforms and gives way to new beginnings? Who and/or what are you accountable to along the way? Join UU Ministry for Earth for a special Earth Day worship service exploring these questions in a collective journey
on the pathways to being rooted and ready for climate justice. This program will include a special collection for the UU Ministry for Earth – donations are encouraged and received with deep gratitude. Learn more.
Summertime is coming! Camps Registering for in person!
UUMAC 2022 - UU Mid-Atlantic Community in person at DeSales University July 10-16, 2022. We're very excited to welcome you to join us this year for what marks our 41st UUMAC and first in-person conference in three years! For one week, through workshops, dancing, worship, songs, laughter, and much more, we will cultivate this year's theme: Go Lifted Up! led by Paula Gribble, DRE, Rev. Carol Thomas Cissel, and our dedicated staff team, all beloved members of UUMAC. Come help build multi-generational UU community on the DeSales University campus near Allentown, PA. Registration is open!
CERSI 2022 - Central East Region Summer Institute in person at California University of PA, July 10-16, 2022. Back in person again! Help us Question the Unquestionable and Answer the Unanswerable with Kazim Ali. Workshops, bridging, youth space and more. Help us check out our new space! Details and registration at the CERSI website.
Better Together Blog: A Garden Story Part 2: The LAP Plan
by Shannon Harper
Remember the classic Dr Seuss book, Oh the Places You’ll Go? Arguably the most quoted text at High School graduations and a favorite baby shower gift? Ultimately inspirational, it paints a seussical story of both the ups and down, trials and tribulations involved with becoming who we are meant to be. And there’s this place right in the middle of the book that is feeling very familiar right now in congregational life. The Waiting Place.
You may also want to read:
So You Passed the 8th Principle, What’s Next? by Rev. Sana Saeed. Recently, I’ve been getting messages from more and more congregations who have passed the 8th principle. This is exciting! According to the 8th Principle Project, there are now 156 congregations
that have passed the 8th principle. Fifteen of my primary congregations have passed the 8th principle as well, and the question your congregation may be wondering now is what to do next after passing the 8th principle?
The following events are upcoming in the region. For full details and a complete list visit the CER Calendar Page. Also, please note, if you are mailing a check to the regional office to pay for your registration, you must write the name and date of the event in the memo line. Otherwise we may not get it properly credited.
If you are looking for Renaissance Modules for Religious Educators or Our Whole Lives Trainings, check the full calendar on the UUA website.
- CER Networking Calls - Choose what works best for you.
- Allegheny/Ohio/New River - 1st Wednesdays at 5pm: Apr 6, May 4
- Atlantic - 2nd Tuesdays at 5pm: Apr 12, May 10
- Great Lakes/Hudson Valley - 2nd Thursdays at 1pm: Apr 14, May 12
- Zoom info for all calls - join by going to, password is 202109.
- BIPOC Gatherings - If you identify as Black, Indigenous or a person of color (BIPOC), you're invited to join us for the Central East Region's BIPOC. In our gatherings we are joined by lay folks of color, lay leaders of color and/or religious professionals of color to be in community. Our conversations focus on topics like wellness and resilience and our goal is to center BIPOC experiences and create space to explore our UU experiences. Contact Sana Saeed at for connection information. Gatherings are first Monday of each month at 6:30 pm ET - April 4, May 2 and June 6.
- Jubilee 3 Anti-Racism Training - online, April 1-3, 2022
- UUA Board GA Prep Webinar: Going Deeper into Understanding Proposed Bylaw Changes - April 9, 2022, 4 pm ET. Pre-register.
- UUA Board Meeting, Monday, April 11, 2022; 7 pm ET
- UUA Open House, April 12, 2022, 7pm ET. Pre-register
- UUA Board GA Prep Webinar: Going Deeper into Understanding Proposed Bylaw Changes - April 13, 2022, 7 pm ET. Pre-register.
- Taproot: National BIPoC Space, April 14, 2022, 8 pm ET.
- UUA Board GA Prep Webinar: In-Depth Look at the GA 2022 Rules of Procedure - April 19, 2022, 7 pm ET. Pre-register.
- Intergenerational Spring Seminar: Displacement & Human Rights: All in for Climate Justice -
April 22 – May 1 - UUA Board Meeting, Monday, May 9, 2022; 7 pm ET
- Taproot: National BIPoC Space, May 12, 2022, 8 pm ET.
- UUA Board GA Prep Webinar: What Does Multiplatform Mean for this Year's General Assembly? - May 26, 2022, 7 pm ET. Pre-register.
- CLM Retreat for CER Commissioned Lay Ministers and CLM Candidates - May 27-29, 2022, online and in person.
- UUA Board GA Prep Webinar: General Assembly 2022 Business Orientation - June 1, 2022, 7 pm ET. Pre-register.
- UUA Board GA Prep Webinar: General Assembly 2022 Business Orientation - June 4, 2022, 4 pm ET. Pre-register.
- CERSI - July 10-16, 2022, California University of PA, California, PA
- UUMAC - July 10-16, 2022, DeSales University, Allentown, PA
JUUst Breathe Live is now a podcast! Find us at any place you get your podcasts, or still on YouTube. Be sure to like and subscribe our YouTube Channel, and follow us on Instagram - JuustbreathePod … spread the word! And JUUst Breathe.
Get Involved with the Article II Study Commission. The Article II Study Commission is connecting with Unitarian Universalists throughout the Association to hear from you about what—if any—changes to Article II might lead us boldly into the future. What’s Article II? It’s the section of the UUA bylaws that serves as the home of our Principles and Sources, the UUA’s Purposes, our Inclusion clause, and Freedom of Belief Statement. As a living faith, we must regularly revisit the documents that guide us to be sure they match our values and commitments. You are invited to utilize new resources developed by the Study Commission to engage your community in this study and share back your reflections through the Article II Individual Survey (Google Form). Check out the new resources and scheduled opportunities to engage with the Article Study Commission in the latest communication from the Commissioners.Does your congregation have staff? You need the Benefits Tune Workbook, now in a new format. Our popular Benefits Tune-up Workbook, now in its 5th edition, will help you understand key documents, eligibility
criteria, enrollment windows, and more while providing a path to putting sound systems in place to ensure compliance with Plan rules. We urge all congregations participating in any UUA benefit plans to complete the Workbook annually - as well as whenever a new congregational leader becomes a responsible party. Make it a team effort among a small group of staff and lay leaders who have benefits administration responsibilities.
The UUA has a Disaster Relief Fund for those who want to make a donation to help congregations who have faced losses due to tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, wildfires and more. Please donate if you can. To learn more about the work of the Disaster Relief Fund visit their webpage. If your congregation needs
assistance, you can apply for a grant on that webpage. We are Better Together.
Virtual Guest in Your Pulpit! The UUMA has taken over maintaining the list of speakers started by Rev. Kimberley Debus. Check it out to see who is available! Visit the UUMA website to read the list. Also, don't forget to check out the CER Guest in Your Pulpit program, which includes both lay and professional worship leaders.
New publications from the UUA - The UUA Common Read is Defund Fear: Safety Without Policing, Prisons, and Punishment by Zach Norris. Various resources and materials for the Common Read are being posted at the UUA Common Read page. Available now for order is Swinging on the Garden Gate: A Memoir of Bisexuality and Spirit by Elizabeth Jarret Andrew. April's Goodreads Book Club pick is Defund Fear: Safety Without Policing, Prisons, and Punishment by Zach Norris.
The UUA is hiring for several positions. Find job descriptions and application information at their Job Openings webpage.
Congregation, Cluster and Affiliate Groups News and Events
Our congregations and clusters in the region have many exciting activities and announcements going on. For a complete
listing of events, visit the CER Congregations and Clusters Calendar Page. For news from congregations, please visit our News Blog. For job listings from congregations check the UUA Job Board.
If your congregation or cluster has news or events to share, please send it to us at
This work is made possible by the generosity of member congregations and individual donors.
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Central East Region of the UUA, 100 W 10th Street Suite 1008, Wilmington, DE 19801, United States