As we kick off the holiday season, let us hold with tenderness the potential for both joy and sorrow in our family dynamics. We have relationships with our families of origin and our chosen families. Let's celebrate and strengthen the power of multigenerational community this season.  
Feed your spirit

Multigenerational Pastoral Care: Caring for one another is a core spiritual practice for Unitarian Universalists. We promote offering pastoral care to all ages knowing that it can be as simple as sending a card for a birthday or as challenging as helping someone who has suicidal thoughts.
Grow your work

Watch this webinar on augmenting the traditional youth group-based model, as well as mentor-based youth ministry and methods for creating intentional multigenerational communities with a focus on integrating youth through meaningful and respectful relationship.
Nourish youth spirits

Feminist Frequency is here to help with a quick video offering up seven simple but effective pointers that can help you navigate the stormy seas of racist uncles, homophobic grandmas and other potential sources of turkey day trouble.
Grow their skills

This Building Multigenerational Connections session from the Bringing the Web to Life curriculum brings youth and adults in the congregation together to get to know each other and discover the importance of multigenerational relationships.

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